Pneumatic tool — Pneumatic tools or air tools are tools driven by gas, usually compressed air supplied by a gas compressor. Pneumatic tools can also be driven by compressed carbon dioxide (CO2) stored in small cylinders allowing for portability. Pneumatic tools… … Wikipedia
pneumatic tool — Смотри резьбонакатной инструмент … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
pneumatic tool — Смотри пневматический инструмент … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
pneumatic device — Any of various tools and instruments that generate and use compressed air. Examples include rock drills, pavement breakers, riveters, forging presses, paint sprayers, blast cleaners, and atomizers. Compressed air power is flexible, economical,… … Universalium
pneumatic — pneu|mat|ic [ nu mætık ] adjective filled with COMPRESSED air or gas: pneumatic tires a. a pneumatic tool or piece of equipment works using COMPRESSED air … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pneumatic — UK [njuːˈmætɪk] / US [nuˈmætɪk] adjective a) filled with compressed air or gas pneumatic tyres b) a pneumatic tool or piece of equipment works using compressed air … English dictionary
pneumatic — [njuːˈmætɪk] adj 1) filled with air or gas 2) a pneumatic tool or piece of equipment works by using air … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Pneumatic motor — The Victor Tatin airplane of 1879 used a compressed air engine for propulsion. Original craft, at Musée de l Air et de l Espace … Wikipedia
Pneumatic line thrower — All ships over a certain size has to comply with the Solas regulation given by the International Maritime Organisation, IMO. [] In this regulation there is a demand for a line throwing device. Linethrowers comes mainly in two… … Wikipedia
pneumatic drill — pneu.matic drill n especially BrE a large powerful tool worked by air pressure and used for breaking up hard materials, especially road surfaces American Equivalent: jackhammer … Dictionary of contemporary English
pneumatic drill — noun (C) especially BrE a large powerful tool worked by air pressure which is used for breaking up hard materials, especially road surfaces; jackhammer AmE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English